Thursday, January 7, 2010
I just realized that I have not updated the blog since the new year! 2010 is here and I've not welcomed it officially. So, I shall do so now with some reflections on resolution.

Please be kind enough to excuse me for a rare moment of waxing (and probably wanning) philosophic. (I know you mostly stop by this channel to make yourself feel better about your own parenting and to give thanks that you are not my children. But, bear with me.)

Resolution is an interesting word. With the beginning of each new year, we make promises to ourselves (or others) that we will do something to improve ourselves and our lives, but I think that we also forget that resolution also brings closure. Also appropriate for year-end philosophizing.

To me, this year has been more about resolution in the latter sense than about resolution in the former. To start, this year has been one of the most difficult years I've had to live and I hope to never have to do it again, but despite that I have also found a huge amount of resolution as well. I've found that finding resolution is so important in finding peace in our lives and the ability to resolve to move on.

So, resolution to me, especially this year, is proving to be both an end and a beginning. And I resolve not to resolve anything yet.

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