Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The past three weeks on my day planner where supposed to look something like this:

Week 1:
  • Go to class
  • Do home work
  • Coordinate playdates
  • Help kids with school work and projects
  • Provide home cooked nutritious meals for my family
  • Get nearly adequate sleep some nights
  • Clean house
  • Do laundry
  • Prepare for thrilling Girls Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!
Week 2:
  • Go to class
  • Do home work
  • Coordinate playdates
  • Help kids with school work and projects
  • Provide home cooked nutritious meals for my family
  • Get nearly adequate sleep some nights
  • Clean house
  • Do laundry
  • Attend thrilling Girls Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!
Week 3:
  • Go to class
  • Do home work
  • Coordinate playdates
  • Help kids with school work and projects
  • Provide home cooked nutritious meals for my family
  • Get nearly adequate sleep some nights
  • Clean house
  • Do laundry
  • Recover from thrilling Girls Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!
Week 4:
  • Go to class
  • Do home work
  • Coordinate playdates
  • Help kids with school work and projects
  • Provide home cooked nutritious meals for my family
  • Get nearly adequate sleep some nights
  • Clean house
  • Do laundry
  • Reflect upon and plan for next thrilling Girls Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!
This is what my day planner actually looked like:

Week 1:
  • Took Child #1 to ER for an apparent allergy to a new medicine (Doctor's appointment #1)
  • Dried beloved iPhone 3G off after it was submerged in apple juice
  • Took Child #2 to gastroenterologist for initial appointment (Doctor's appointment #2)
  • Held screaming Child #2 while unfriendly and inexperienced phlebotomist drew a total of 5 viles of blood from 4 botched locations and 2 non-botched locations on both arms
  • Discovered beloved iPhone 3G in bathroom sink with water dripping on it
  • Held funeral for aforementioned iPhone 3G.
  • Launched a murder investigation.
  • Determined I was eligible to spend $300 on a new iPhone (4, this time). Paced order and received shiny new fancy phone.
  • Took child #1 to follow-up appointment regarding medicine allergy (Doctor's appointment #3)
  • Strep in Child #2 (Doctor's appointment #4)
  • Missed class and rushed through school work
  • Became sick with flu like/strep-like symptoms myself
  • Did laundry, cooked, cleaned, parented
Week 2:
  • Secondary infection in Child #2 (Doctor's appointment #5)
  • Secondary infection for Mother #1 (Doctor's appointment #6)
  • Child #2 broke windshield wiper lever in the "on" position. Had to break it more to make it stop. ($300)
  • Early symptoms of respiratory illness in Child #1
  • Did laundry, cooked, and parented
  • Completed in-class presentation while periodically picking my lungs up off the floor and shoving them back where they belong
  • Completed extremely complicated organizational plans for child care for trip
  • Attended Thrilling Girls' Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!!! with mild, flu-like symptoms
Week 3:
  • Negotiated my return with American Airlines after initial flight home was cancelled
  • Recovered from Thrilling Girls' Weekend Away in VEGAS!!!! with mild flu-like symptoms and not-so-mild earache
  • Significant respiratory illness with high fever in Child #1 (running all week)
  • Exploratory GI diagnostics procedure for Child #2 (Doctor's appointment #7)
  • Attended class (barely)
  • Laundry, cooking, cleaning
  • Mother #1 still not recovered from secondary infection (Refer to doctor's appointment #6 for more information)
Week 4: (And it is only Tuesday!)
  • Secondary infection in Child #1 (Doctor's appointment #8, with follow-up appointment next week to rule out asthma)
  • Drop shiny new iPhone 4 in toilet at doctor's office while helping Child #2 to wipe her bottom
  • Determined that I am no longer eligible for a new iPhone, but I am eligible to pay $800 for a replacement
  • Attended the city council meeting that night for a presentation in class this week
  • Learned that the solution to dropping a shiny new iPhone 4 in the toilet is to submerge it in a bag of rice for 24-48 hours. (Oh, and strengthen my relationship with God.)
  • Buried squirrel that inconveniently dropped dead on my back porch only to be discovered on the way out to taking the kids to school which resulted in a long discussion of how decomposition is great for plants.
  • See dermatologist about suspicious, life-threatening mole (Doctor's appointment #9)
  • Influenza in Child #2
Upcoming later this week:
  • Doctor's appointment #10 for Mother #1 who is not getting better
  • Doctor's appointment #11 and #12 for Child #1
  • Potential doctor's appointment #13 for Child #2
  • Schedule endoscopy for Child #2
  • 12 page paper due
  • 5 page paper/group project due
  • Oral report on city council meeting
Bet you thought the squirrel part was going to be the weirdest part of this whole post, huh?


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