Sunday, May 24, 2009
  1. It hurts-really, really, really hurts-when you step on it.
  2. The little pieces everywhere will drive you insane. (I don't need any additional help there.)
  3. The instructions are so "good" that they can make the models ridiculously detailed. (Read: More pieces!)
  4. There is always one piece that has gone MIA in the assembly process.
  5. There is no way to keep it together (except with Super Glue) once it is assembled. (And even using Super Glue only really slows the disassembly process down.)
  6. There is no way to reassemble it once it has been pulled apart and made into something else.
  7. It is sooooo expensive for the kits that build the cool models displayed on the box.
  8. It is far too tempting to count the pieces in the box as they tell you how many pieces are supposed to be in there!
  9. They don't have enough pink and purple blocks.
  10. They don't offer any adult themes which is a shame since adults build most of them anyway.

Otherwise, it is an excellent toy with lots of learning potential and fosters superior imaginary play. However, I'm starting to this that I can get the same benefits from a large cardboard box and some toilet paper rolls.


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